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SKU:dj - guin - 208
Origin: Guinea
Wood: Djalla
Size: 13 1/2" x 24"


DSD Comment: Super dark Djalla wood with pure white spotty skin! This is an exceptional combo! As for sound this drum has a vibrant medium skin making for an easy slap without having to tune the drum overly high. If your a Yelemba D'Abidjan fan go for something smaller with a thicker skin. If you love Famoudou Konate's sound....this one might be for you.

Additional Information

List Description N/A
Dunun Sticks N/A
Shirt Sizes N/A
Stand Size & Color N/A
Strap Colors N/A
Fabric Colors N/A
rope 5.5mm N/A
Patterns N/A
Rope 4mm N/A
Handle Colors N/A
Size N/A
Head Cover Sizes N/A