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SKU:dj - guin - 311
Origin: Guinea
Wood: Lenke (Lingué)
Size: 13 1/2" x 24 3/4"
Weight: 21 lbs


DSD Comment:  This is an exceptional drum and an exceptional deal! The reason we have marked this drum down is because there are a few spots on the stem of the drum where the decoration was carved too deep leaving the wood very thin in those areas. The problem areas have been reinforced and there is no structural concern for the buyer. This is a professional caliber djembe!

Additional Information

List Description N/A
Dunun Sticks N/A
Shirt Sizes N/A
Stand Size & Color N/A
Strap Colors N/A
Fabric Colors N/A
rope 5.5mm N/A
Patterns N/A
Rope 4mm N/A
Handle Colors N/A
Size N/A
Head Cover Sizes N/A